Part Number PQE-1064-0.01-10
Wavelength(nm) 1064
Repetition rate(Hz) 10
Pulse energy (mJ) >10
Pulse width (ns) <3
Wavelength (nm) 946 473
Repetition rate (kHz)
Average power (mW) 20 4
Pulse energy (μJ) 20 4
Pulse width (ps) 2500 2000
Optical Parameters
Wavelength (nm) 1030 515 343 257
Repetition rate (kHz) 1 1 1* 1*
Average power (mW) 100 40 20 8
Pulse energy (μJ) 100 40 20 8
Pulse width (ps) 1000 900 800 800
Wavelength ( nm ) 1535
Pulse energy (μJ) 50 20 10
Pulse width (ns) 5 6 8
Repetition rate (kHz) 1 2.5 5
Operating current (A) 5
Parameter Symbol Min. value Typ. value Max. value Unit Test Conditions
Response wavelength λ 990   1650 nm  
Responsiveness R 0.85 0.9   A/W λ=1310nm
  0.95   λ=1550nm
  0.2   λ=850nm
Dark current ID   1 5 nA VR=-5V
capacitance C   4.2 6 pF VR=-5V,f=1MHz
Bandwidth BW   1.8   GHz 3dB down,RL=50Ω


center Wavelength (nm) 1535
FWHM (nm) 40±1
Transmission T>95%@1535±5nm, AOI=0°-8°
T>90%@1535±5nm, AOI=0°-14.5°
Blocking Range OD>3 @900-1505nm, OD>3 @1578-1750nm


Product Part No. Wavelength Clear Aperture Rotation Angle @25℃ Extinction @25℃ Transmission @25℃ Damage Threshold @10ns Package
Rotator RL-ROT-1030-2.5 1030nm 2.5mm 45°±1° >30dB >95% 5J/cm2 3#
RL-ROT-1030-5 5mm
RL-ROT-1064-2.5 1064nm 2.5mm
RL-ROT-1064-5 5mm 10J/cm2


Product Part No. Wavelength Clear Aperture Isolation
Transmission @25℃ Polarizer Damage Threshold @10ns Package
Isolator RL-ISO-1030-2.5 1030nm 2.5mm >30dB >90% PBS Cube 5J/cm2 3#
RL-ISO-1030-5 5mm
RL-ISO-1064-2.5 1064nm 2.5mm
RL-ISO-1064-5 5mm


RL-HS Series Heat Sink
RL-HS Series Heat Sink
Part Number Parameters Heat Dissipation
RL-HS-01 Thermal Consumption <10W
@ambient temperature of 25℃
RL-HS-02 Thermal Consumption <30W
@ambient temperature of 25℃
RL-HS-03 Thermal Consumption <5W
@ambient temperature of 25℃
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