RealShock® HQF Series Lamp-pumped Q-switched Nanosecond Laser
RealShock® HQF Series Lamp-pumped Q-switched Nanosecond Laser

The HQF series lamp-pumped Q-switched nanosecond laser is a compact nanosecond laser with a single lamp and dual rod design.The flash lamp has a long service life and is easy to replace. The output beam has a flat-top distribution. The single wavelength and dual-wavelength options are available to output 800mJ or 1.2J respectively at a wavelength of 1064nm. It can also provide supporting components such as articulated arm, control screen, power supply, water cooler, etc. This series of products features compact design, high stability, excellent beam quality, and high energy output. They are widely used in the aesthetic medicine and analytical instrument industries, such as tattoo removal, pigmentation removal, skin rejuvenation, LIBS, and other fields.

Product Parameters
Part Number HQF-1064/532-10-6-800/400-N HQF-1064/532-10-6-1200/600-N
Repetition rate(Hz) 1~10
Pulse energy(mJ)
1064nm 800 1200
532nm 400 600
Energy stability RMS
1064nm <2%
532nm <3%
Power drift1
1064nm 3%
532nm 5%
Other parameters
Pulse width FWHM2(ns) <8
Beam full divergence (typ., mrad) Horizontal @1/e² <5
Vertical @1/e² <5
Pointing stability3(μrad) <50
Time jitter4(RMS,ns) <0.5
Beam diameter5(mm) ~9.5 ~10.5
Spatial profile Top hat
Polarization state linear polarization
Cooling method water cooling
Electrical Supply 220VAC±5% 50~60Hz
Power consumption <1.0kW(800mJ@10Hz)
Environment requirements temperature 5~35℃,humidity <80%

1.Average energy variation is measured at room temperature with fluctuations less than 3℃ within 8 hours.
2.Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM).

3.Deviation from beam mean centroid.
4.With respect to external trigger.

5.Measurement at a distance of 10cm from the laser outlet.
Others: Unless otherwise specified, all the data in the above table are the typical values obtained from testing at a wavelength of 1064nm, and the final data is subject to the final test report.
Lasers with wavelength at 355nm or 266nm can be customized upon request.


Aesthetic medicine

Tattoo removal
Pigmentation removal
Skin rejuvenation

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS)

Laser ranging
Differential absorption lidar

Particle image velocimetry( PIV)

Laser shock processing(LSP)
Laser-based ultrasound detection

Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)
Tissue ablation

Raman spectroscopy
Non-linear optics

Key Features

Single and dual wavelength outputs are optional
Multiple energy options available
Compact design, easy to integrate
Excellent beam quality, top hat beam profile
High cost-effectiveness

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