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The NL series narrow linewidth diode lasers are RealLight’s self-developed wavelength-stabilized lasers, utilizing wavelength-locking technique with volume Bragging gratings (VBG) which forces the center wavelength tolerance to be ±0.5nm and the optical bandwidth to be less than 0.1nm.In addition to provide narrow spectral bandwidth, these lasers also deliver high output power and excellent stability at 532nm, 638nm, 784nm, 785nm, 808nm, 830nm, 976nm or 1064nm output wavelengths, with power ranging from 100mW to 1.2W. User-friendly solutions like 14-pin butterfly package with fiber pigtail, 14-pin butterfly package with collimated open beam, integrated OEM module or turn-key system are available for these spectrum stabilized lasers. The NL series lasers are ideal light sources for a large variety of applications, including Raman spectroscopy, biomedicine, laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and pumping.

Center Wavelength(nm) 638 785 808 830 976 1064
Optical CW Output Power / Pop (mW) 500 600 600 600 800 800
Wavelength Tolerance (nm) ±0.5
Spectral Width / △λ (nm) <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1
Temperature Drift of Wavelength / △λ/△T (nm/℃) 0.01
Temperature Drift of Current / △λ/△Iop (nm/A) 0.05
RealStable® 14SBTF Fiber Pigtailed Diode Laser Components
RealStable® 14SBTF Fiber Pigtailed Diode Laser Components
Package Type 14SBTF (Fiber Pigtailed)
Center Wavelength(nm) 532* 638 785 808 830 976 1064
Optical CW Output Power / Pop (mW) 100 500 600 600 600 800 800
Wavelength Tolerance (nm) ±0.5
Spectral Width / △λ (nm) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1
Temperature Drift of Wavelength / △λ/△T (nm/℃) 0.01
Temperature Drift of Current / △λ/△Iop (nm/A) 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
SMSR >35 >40
Center Wavelength(nm) 638 785 808 830 976 1064
Optical CW Output Power / Pop (mW) 500 600 600 600 800 800
Wavelength Tolerance (nm) ±0.5
Spectral Width / △λ (nm) <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1
Temperature Drift of Wavelength / △λ/△T (nm/℃) 0.01
Temperature Drift of Current / △λ/△Iop (nm/A) 0.05
SMSR >35 >40
Center Wavelength(nm) 785 1064
Optical CW Output Power / Pop (mW) 100 300
Wavelength Tolerance (nm) ±0.5
Spectral Width / △λ (nm) 0.1
Temperature Drift of Wavelength / △λ/△T (nm/℃) ≤0.01
Temperature Drift of Current / △λ/△Iop (nm/A) 0.05
Package Type R2T
Center Wavelength of LD1/LD2(nm) 784/785 785/1064
Optical CW Output Power / Pop (mW) 500/500 500/800
Wavelength Tolerance (nm) ±0.5
Spectral Width / △λ (nm) <0.1
Temperature Drift of Wavelength / △λ/△T (nm/℃) 0.01
Package Type 04BCK 04BCK-TEC
Center Wavelength(nm) 785 785
Optical CW Output Power / Pop (mW) 100
Wavelength Tolerance (nm) ±0.5
Spectral Width / △λ (nm) <0.1
Temperature Drift of Wavelength / △λ/△T (nm/℃) ≤0.01
Center Wavelength (nm) 785 1064
Output Power (mW) 100 300
Wavelength Tolerance (nm) ±0.5
Linewidth (nm) <0.1
Center Wavelength (nm) 638 785 808 830 976 1064
Output Power (mW) 500 600 600 600 800 800
Wavelength Tolerance (nm) ±0.5
Linewidth (nm) <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1
Optical Parameters
Center Wavelength (nm) 784/785 785/1064
Output Power (mW) 500 500 500 800
Wavelength Tolerance (nm) ±0.5 (each wavelength)
Linewidth, each wavelength (nm) <0.1
Wavelength Stability ±7pm@4h Typ.
Optical Parameters
Center Wavelength (nm) 784/785 785/1064
Output Power (mW) 500/500 500/800
Wavelength Tolerance (nm) ±0.5 (each wavelength)
Linewidth, each wavelength (nm) <0.1
Wavelength Stability ±7 pm @4h Typ.
Center Wavelength (nm) 638 785 808 830 976 1064
Output Power (mW) 500 600 600 600 800 800
Wavelength Tolerance (nm) ±0.5
Linewidth (nm) <0.1 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1 <0.3 <0.1